Tuesday, August 27, 2013

No wait Garlic Dill Pickles..Yes Please!!

So lately I have been really into making my own pickles.  After seeing a post on Free People about Simple Refrigerator Garlic Dill Pickles, I became completely obsessed.  I have made pickles before, but they didn't turn out very yummy and waiting 3 months just isn't my forte.  It probably didn't help that I also forgot about them and later found them in the back of my fridge when I moved.  This recipe on Free People's website is amazing, although with a few tweaks for my liking, the pickles came out perfect. And the best part is they are ready after 24 hours, but even better the longer they sit..and they last for up to 2 months! I was surprised at how much people liked them, because I am not a food maker, I always screw it up.  But when I came home last night and found cucumbers on my outdoor chair, I knew that they were not just saying they were delicious to not hurt my feelings.  They really did like them!  So if you have some extra veggies laying around and you don't know what to do with them, you should definitely check out the recipe.  I went beyond cucumbers and also added some jalapeno peppers and garlic cloves.  So use what ever you've got!!

*NOTE* clicking on the Simple Refrigerator Garlic Dill Pickles will redirect you to the full recipe...

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